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Worship This Week

Thank you for joining us this morning for worship and praise. Listed below is everything you need to participate in today's service. If you would like to watch Tiny Desk Sermon online, please click the button below. 

Opening Prayer

Call To Worship

L: Sing to the Lord a new song, a song of hope and rejoicing! 

P: Praise God for wonderful acts of mercy and kindness! 

L: God has remembered God’s faithful ones. 

P: God has poured blessing upon blessing upon us! 

L: Praise the Lord, all the earth, shout your praise! 

P: Rejoice, for God is truly with us. AMEN.

Opening Song

Come Down, O Love Divine (UMH 475)


1. Come down, O Love divine, 
seek thou this soul of mine, 
and visit it with thine own ardor glowing; 
O Comforter, draw near, 
within my heart appear, 
and kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing. 

2. O let it freely burn, 
till earthly passions turn 
to dust and ashes in its heat consuming; 
and let thy glorious light 
shine ever on my sight, 
and clothe me round, the while my path illuming. 

3. And so the yearning strong, 
with which the soul will long, 
shall far outpass the power of human telling; 
for none can guess its grace, 
till Love create a place 
wherein the Holy Spirit makes a dwelling.

Scripture Reading

While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell on everyone who heard the word. 45 The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on the Gentiles. 46 They heard them speaking in other languages and praising God. Peter asked, 47 “These people have received the Holy Spirit just as we have. Surely no one can stop them from being baptized with water, can they?” 48 He directed that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they invited Peter to stay for several days.

Spiritual Funmation

The Message

A Time of Prayer

The Lord's Prayer

Closing Song


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