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Hospitality, Music & Worship

There are many ways to share your gifts as part of making worship a warm, welcoming and moving experience.


Serving on Sunday morning can take many forms.  Greeting, Ushering, caring for newcomers and visitors, and providing refreshment and conversation are all important ways we foster community and build relationships.  



There are many opportunities to share your musical gifts at West Side Church.  Adult choir, children's choir, seasonal choirs, and vocal and instrumental musicians.

West Side Church is currently forming a praise band.  Do you have skills and passion that you'd like to share?


Worship Assisting

Scripture readers, Communion Assistants, acolytes, and lay readers are always needed to make each worship experience complete.  If these are gifts of yours, find out how you can share them

Worship Assist

Tech Team

Part of a powerful worship experience requires behind-the-scenes work preparing the worship space, audio engineering and video management.  Do you have gifts in these areas or want to learn more about these roles? 

Tech Team
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