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As young people grow in age and maturity, so also their faith journey grows.  Harder questions about who we are and what we believe need to be cultivated and explored in safe, relevant and meaningful settings.  

Youth Group: Growing Together in Christ

During middle school and high school years, youth are growing in their understanding of the world around them.  They have questions.  Relationships with parents, teachers, and friends are changing and evolving.  Every Sunday evening, all 6th-12th grade students are invited to come and explore their faith and their questions in an open, safe, and supportive group.  Sometimes we play games, or watch movies, sometimes we engage in spiritually dynamic activities, and always, there is a snack, and more! We don't pretend to know the answers to tough life questions, but we do believe that Christ is our best guide to asking those questions, and seeking answers together.

Youth group meets most Sundays (unless there's a special event) at church from 5-7 pm on the north lawn (temporarily-due to COVID), weather permitting, and is open to all 6th to 12th grade students. This time includes music, hanging out, games, weekly spiritual thoughts, exploration of God's vision for Ann Arbor, videos and more.


Want to learn more?  Contact Elisabeth Danielsons at (734) 663-4164 ext. 13,


Mission Trips

Each year the youth take a trip to be in service with neighbor. In past years, we have gone to Motown Mission in Detroit. We are currently planning a trip for Summer 2020. Stay tuned for details!


Spring Hill Camp

They are a non-profit Christian camp and retreat ministry whose mission is to create life-impacting experiences that enable young people to know and to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Many of our youth look forward to this annual trip.



When youth are ready to explore their faith commitment more deeply, we offer Confirmation classes.  At the end of the confirmation session, the student will have the opportunity to publicly proclaim their faith during a worship service.

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